Kanchanaburi - What to See Besides Bridge Over River Kwai

Must do thing at Kanchanaburi? Must see thing at Kanchanaburi? 

What else? 
Well, we managed to explore Kanchanaburi throughout out short stay over there, and we found the hidden gem LOL :P

i) Japanese Garden

A small hidden garden behind River Kwai Train station. A very photogenic place which might make you wonder are you really in Thailand LOL :P

It is actually a tea house or cafe, too bad it was closed the time we were there.


ii) Kanchanaburi train station

The last time we were here was few days ago, where we were on the train to Nam Tok. This time, we reached here by bicycle LOL :P

Road leads to the train station.

Here is very much less crowded compared to River Kwai station. So if you would like to have some peaceful photo shoots with railway or even train, Kanchanaburi station is always the better choice compared to River Kwai station. 

Kanchanaburi train station.

iii) Local wet market

Haha, felt like loitering around local market had become our normal travel routine nowadays. We always had fun loitered around local market, to see what locals do to earn their living, to find out how the food actually looked like before being served on plate! 

The market.


A random seafood stall~

Kanchanaburi, a small town with friendly people. Life here is very much less hectic compared to Bangkok, we enjoyed walking around with locals in slower pace....Felt reluctant to leave but our journey still have to go on and home is calling for us~

Bangkok, we are coming!
